You are here: Home » Arabic , German , JewishHebrew , Numerology , Russian , Umlauts » Russian, Arabic and Jewish-Hebrew Numerology and German Umlauts
Numerology is an ancient system of decoding precise information about an individual soul and their specific reasons for incarnating on Earth. When decoding numerology charts for the Jewish-Hebrew, Russian, Arabic and German communities it is important to follow some basic guidelines as follows:
Firstly, it is important to establish the correct Arabic alphabet used for the person you are decoding their numerology chart. There are a few slight variations to the Arabic alphabet where some variations include a small number of additional letters. Predominantly the Arabic alphabet consists of 28 letters. The country or region of birth will generally indicate which variation to use. The Arabic alphabet is written from right to left and the numerology chart should always be decoded assigning numeric values to the alphabet with this in mind. The Arabic alphabet letters are pronounced as follows and assigned the following numeric values: Alif = 1, Baa = 2, Taa = 3, Thaa = 4, Jimm = 5, H-aa = 6, Xaa = 7, Daal = 8, Thaal = 9, Raa = 1, Zaay = 2, Siin = 3, Shiin = 4, Saad = 5, Daad = 6, T-aa = 7, T-haa = 8, Ayn = 9, Ghayn = 1, Faa = 2, Qaaf = 3, Kaaf = 4, Laam = 5, Miim = 6, Nuun = 7, Haa = 8, Waaw = 9, Yaa = 1
The Hebrew Alphabet is also known as the Jewish Script and consists of 22 letters. As with the Arabic alphabet, it is written from right to left. The Hebrew alphabet letters are pronounced as follows and assigned the following numeric values when decoding a person's numerology chart: Alef = 1, Bet = 2, Gimel = 3, Dalet = 4, He = 5, Vav = 6, Zayin = 7, Het = 8, Tet = 9, Yod = 1, Kaf = 2, Lamed = 3, Mem = 4, Nun = 5, Samekh = 6, Ayin = 7, Pe = 8, Tsadi = 9, Qof = 1, Resh = 2, Shin = 3, Tav = 4
The Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters and is a shortened variant of the Cyrillic alphabet and is written from left to right. The Russian alphabet letters are pronounced as follows and assigned the following numeric values when decoding a person's numerology chart: A = 1, Be = 2, Ve = 3, Ge = 4, De = 5, Ye = 6, Yo = 7, Zhe = 8, Ze = 9, I = 1, Short I = 2, Ka = 3, El = 4, Em = 5, En = 6, O = 7, Pe = 8, Er = 9, Es = 1, Te = 2, U = 3, Ef = 4, Kha = 5, Tse = 6, Che = 7, Sha = 8, Shcha = 9, Yer = 1, Yery = 2, Yeri = 3, E = 4, Yu = 5, Ya = 6
There is much mis-information about the application of the use of umlauts Ä, Ö, Ü, and the letter ß when applying these to German numerology. Because umlauts have been historically formed by merging a vowel with an E, such as A with E to equal Ä, many numerologists recommend assigning A = 1 and E = 5 and combining them for the letter Ä to equal 6. This is completely incorrect. Umlauts are completely "separate" letters and have their own vibrational energy in sequence with their queue placing in the alphabet. If you go to many of the "free numerology calculators" on the internet, and type in a name with umlauts, the numeric value of the names will also be completely incorrect. They do not match the correct vibrational sequence of the queue placing in the German alphabet that consists of 30 letters and they do not even match the misplaced suggestion of some numerologists to combine the vowel with the E. Our research in decoding the soul charts of many German born citizens with umlauts in their name has proven our findings that umlauts Ä, Ö, Ü, and the letter ß when applying these to German numerology should always be assigned the following numeric value, without exception: A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D = 4, E = 5, F = 6, G = 7, H = 8, I = 9, J = 1, K = 2, L = 3, M = 4, N = 5, O = 6, P = 7, Q = 8, R = 9, S = 1, T = 2, U = 3, V = 4, W = 5, X = 6, Y = 7, Z = 8, Ä = 9, Ö = 1, Ü = 2, ß = 3
Glen Russell is a Spiritual Counselor and Esoteric Numerologist, whose goal it is to help those achieve their life lessons on a spiritual level. Glen can decode Your Divine Soul Plan, a 40 page document that details the exact reasons your soul has chosen to incarnate on Earth for a nominal fee of $25 at the following website:
Category: Arabic , German , JewishHebrew , Numerology , Russian , Umlauts
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