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Harrington College of Design - Campus Facilities
The Urban Campus – The Heart of Design, Technology and Innovative Teaching
Harrington's six-story vertical campus is within a glass and granite high-rise that reflects the surrounding cityscape and serves as a learning laboratory.
- Structural elements, plumbing, HVAC and even some walls are left exposed or dissected to exemplify to students the inner workings of the built environment
- Unique three-story display space connects floors designed to hold a mix of classrooms, galleries, offices and spaces for conversation and collaboration on projects.
- Specialized design library with extensive traditional archival holdings and current digital resources supports student research
- Technology which delivers a flexible and innovative education in studio, computer and lecture classrooms
- Faculty of practicing professionals expands the learning experience beyond the classroom to the rich design and cultural community of Chicago
The Harrington College of Design Library is a specialized library functioning as a single source for all student and faculty research needs. Having a professional quality design collection on site helps students save time and create better work.
Library offerings include:
- Approximately 20,000 Books
- More than 10,000 Electronic Books
- Special Collections containing Rare and Valuable Books on Design
- 125 Journal and Newspaper Titles (current and back issues)
- Hundreds of Electronic Journals and Newspapers
- More than 35,000 Digital Images
- Dozens of Research Databases
- Nearly 1,000 Furniture and Product Catalogs
- 450 Videos, DVDs and Compact Discs
- Group and Individual Research Instruction and Assistance
- 17 Computer Workstations with Black & White or Color Printing
- Black & White and Color Copiers (note that the copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies and other reproductions of copyrighted materials. Persons using library photocopiers are liable for any infringements.)
- Quiet study areas
- A cutting board, cutting mats, scissors, hole punch, tape, staplers, and other office equipment.
Category: Interior Design College
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